Thursday, June 25, 2015

2 of Wands

For Crowley the 2 of Wands represents fire in its best and highest form.  The Élan vital moves inexorably on like flowering vines climbing a cliff in springtime, like new species emerging to fill and shape environmental niches. (Ever a bourgeois Englishman, Crowley saw this as the right and proper "Dominion" of a civilizing empire).  This is not a raging conflagration but rather what Dylan Thomas called "the force that through the green fuse drives the flower."  Its triumph is the obvious conclusion of the Querent's labors rather than a lucky twist of fate; its promotion is earned and the Querent capable of handling its demands. 

There is a theme of control inherent to the 2 of Wands. Where it lands is an area where the Querent is either taking charge or bending the knee. This is generally for the better: the 2s are by and large benevolent. Context and interplay must of course be taken into account.  The Querent may be conflating rulership with tyranny, or giving over control to a delusion or to an unworthy person.  But even these issues are not insurmountable: the 2 of Wands suggests that the Querent has everything necessary to defeat the issue and take charge of the situation.  

It also points to solutions which are organic and which rise out of present conditions rather than a radical departure from the norm.  Like all Wands it is driven by expansion and constantly in motion, but despite this the 2 of Wands is surprisingly conservative.  Fire is only beneficent when it is carefully controlled: here we find none of the hot-headed rashness or impulsiveness we see in other Wands.  The 2 of Wands is constantly in motion, but takes pains to be neither too slow nor too fast.  It wins by striking a match at the right moment, not by scorching the earth.  The Querent should act in a similar fashion where this card applies, but should not confuse caution for inaction and should be ready to do whatever necessary for the kingdom. 

While generally very positive the 2 of Wands often carries a melancholy tinge.  Waite compared it to Alexander the Great, saddened because he had no more empires left to conquer.  With the 2 of Wands growth reaches its apex and climbs as far as it can from its roots back toward the Source. But in doing so it reaches the natural limits of its growth. It is a card of maturation and growing up sometimes hurts. Responsibility means abandoning projects when the cost/benefit analysis doesn't add up: it involves telling others what to do and levying out discipline when they fail you. Adulthood means putting away childish things and, when necessary, childish people.  The 2 of Wands declares us rulers over our kingdom, but it also calls us to carry the burden of its responsibilities. 

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